Technology Could Make People With Dementia Happier

Technology is a part of our lives. It has a bad reputation. The moment you clicked on this article you were probably expecting it to be all bad! There are positive aspects to what we consider a terrible intrusion in our lives. Furthermore, its damages to health are considerable.

In the news, it is blamed for the loneliness epidemic. It has caused problems with distraction. Our common conversations are interrupted by cell phone usage. However, what if I were to tell you that technology has a benefit? What if technology could be used in the right way? There are positives to technology usage especially for dementia patients.

Without a doubt, you might be asking how can technology improve the mood of people with dementia. Despite its flaws, technology offers an outlet for seniors. It can distract them from their current state. For anyone who has cared for a senior with dementia, negative moods like confusion, anger, and sadness are common.

What Research Says

In recent research studies, YouTube was associated with positive moods. According to a mobile company, screen time spent looking at photos, listening to music, or watching videos on YouTube can improve moods drastically. Researchers see this as an alternative to medication. The vast majority of people benefit from tablet sessions.

Aaron Gilson is a health policy researcher with the UW School of Pharmacy who comments on technology usage for patients with dementia. Patients who live in nursing homes and home care are encouraged to use tablets. This is because eighty percent of the care recipients showed significant improvement to their negative mood. Patients can view family photos, playing their favorite music, and following topics they are interested in. Coincidentally, it’s not secret that more people are discovering the wonders of technology for their loved ones.

Final Thoughts

Technology used correctly can enrich someone’s life. It brings families together closer. Dementia patients use visuals like photos and videos to distract themselves from their debilitating disease. Additionally, it engages their brain with positive associations. Patients with dementia enjoy a significant mood boost.

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