Home Health Aides vs. General Occupations

In the previous blog posts, I talked about many topics about home health aides. For example, home care careers are a high demand and why choose to become a certified home health aide. In this blog, I will talk about the difference between hiring Home Health Aides and hiring general occupations.

More Documents

There is a difference between hiring Home Health Aides and general occupations. First, besides the educational factor, for general occupations, you would have to have some kind of work experience and proficient talents. In job interviews, most interviewers ask what kind of tasks did you do in your last jobs. Also, they would ask how your experience was. Second, for Home Health Aides, they need 2 forms of government identifications, their social security card and their license. In addition, they need their recent medical records. Lastly, for hiring both occupations, they have to have a good personality.

Practice Makes Perfect

In conclusion, the only difference is home health aides have to submit more documents than a general occupation would submit when going to a job interview. Seems easier than done which is why practicing for job interviews is always a good practice. If you do have your license and interested in applying for us, you can send your resume to info@eshcs.com. If you have any more questions, you can also call our home care number at 888-288-8826.

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