How Home Care Agencies Support Families after They Have Received their Services?

Caregiving takes many forms. Many helps older, sick, or disabled family members and friends every day. We know we are helping, but we don’t think of ourselves as caregivers. We are glad to do this and feel rewarded by it. We always support the family after we finish giving them the services. We are more than caregivers, we create relationships with our patients and their families. We are like a doctor that you do not have to visit for the whole year but when you need him you found him.


Increasing awareness within the older adult’s social network. For example, disabilities, changes in health, and or behavioral change that signal the need for some level of caregiving. Awareness of functional impairment can come on gradually. As in the case of someone with slowly progressive dementia, or suddenly as in the case of someone who has suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury. With awareness that one is becoming a caregiver comes an array of daunting questions about how to meet the needs of the care recipient.

Passing away

If your loved one received hospice care to relieve pain and comfort care during the last stage of life, you may benefit from the grief support that most hospice organizations offer. This support often allows you to air your innermost feelings with others going through the grieving process you are. Other support avenues include possible counseling with your spiritual leader or a professional counselor. Also, the home care agency will continue to support you in order to move on. Preserve positive memories of your relationship with your care receiver. Once you’ve gotten help with your grief, look outside of yourself. Volunteering is a good way to do this. Volunteer at a nursing home or senior center if you want continued contact with elders.

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